I have been having problems posting on my blog because I haven’t been able to get into my blog. I had to load foxfire to do it which is crazy. I wasn’t able to see Gloria’s blog and several others either. What gives IE?! I guess I’ll have to go through Foxfire to do my posting for a while. I’m trying it out and so far it seems o.k. but like everything else that’s new in life it takes a while to get used to.
I have been feeling like crap lately. I thought I was conquering the insomnia monster but it’s gotten a hold of me again. I don’t get sleepy until 3 a.m and then wake up at 6 or 7 am. I’m fine for 3 or 4 hours but after that I just crash and start falling asleep every where. I usually take a 1 or 2 hour nap to function but then I’m wide awake again by midnight. At that time I can do housework go walking and it’s usually when I do my quilting. You know I have two Chihuahuas and they don’t fall asleep until they see me going to bed. Well, they are beginning to sleep all day and become like energizer bunnies at 11 pm. They start dropping their favorite toys at my feet so I can play with them. I want to do so many things but don’t have the energy during the day. I refuse to take sleeping pills so I will start drinking some Sleepy Time tea that has chamomile, passion flower and the disgusting Valerian. I’ve had it before and it does make me sleepy but I was trying to avoid it. I do read at night but then I get so into the book that I don’t want to put the book down. Oh well. I’m going to go shopping for a thread mill today and hopefully IE can mix their blogging problem pronto.
Welcome to the jungle Estee. I had to load up a different IE as well. I thought it was just my blog. Right now I'm back to IE, but I used FireFox for a little while and if IE gives me a problem again, I'll have to go back. I'm wondering if we didn't get a virus or something from that bell from China? heheeheh I took mine off to be on the safe side. I also took off a few other links and we'll see what happens. I hope you start feeling better and if you don't go see your doctor, you don't want to take chances with everything that is going around. Take care.
I TOO HAVE TROUBLE SLEEPING. (I keep hitting caps for some reason!) I know that I cycle on my insomnia. also, I can sleep for about 45 mins...11-11:45 and then be up for nearly the rest of the night. We should have a "non-sleepingnight" alert on our blogs so we can "talk"!!
I've always struggled with sleep. I just try to find things to do so that I don't feel like the time is wasted. That usually means quilting.
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