Saturday, September 16, 2006

Almost Normal

After being sick for almost two weeks I am finally beginning to feel better. I was feeling so tired at work Friday I can't even describe it. It must've been all the sleepless nights due to the coughing. I go into my sewing room and mark about six rows of stars for quilting and then I just have to stop. I will try again today so I can put the quilt on the frame and do some serious quilting on the four day weekend I will be having at the end of the month. I can't wait. My son Chris is enjoying his college and just informed me that the country he might have to go to to study abroad will be either Jordan or Costa Rica. The minute he said Jordan I felt panic go through my body. He is young and adventureous would love to go to Jordan. He was chosen to sit at a round table discussion with the President of Costa Rica next week so he is excited about that. He told me about all the school/community clubs he has joined and all the studing he has to do and I am convinced all that is for the young. I can't even remember everything we talked about. My youngest who is a very calm music loving 18 year old just thinks his brother has some weird plan to conquer the world. My son is California is still working at a T.V station and still in no hurry to marry or have kids. He doesn't have time for a family, so he says. Slacker girl, at work, didn't go to work for four days. She said it was due to having some kind of sore on her stomach and the doctor told her not to get near anything hot, so she was again at the register when she was suppose to serve this week. She sure didn't act like someone who was in pain since she even danced to a song on the radio. I have to say I out smarted all of the younger workers Friday. We are all suppose to throw out a bag or two of trash and while they were all chatting by the register I quickly got two of the lightest almost empty bags of trash and threw them away. By the time they got back to throwing their share they got stuck with the heavy bags. I wanted to laughed so bad. I just told them I've done all I have to do so I'm clocking out. Bye. You should've seen their faces. LOL! I was ready to quit Friday with my being sick and feeling tired. I hope next week is better for me. I am having a hard time coping with my going to work now that I'm almost 50. I'm still trying to figure out where would be the best place to work. If I last all year in that cafeteria it'll be a miracle. I have lost 5 pounds since I started working there.


sewprimitive karen said...

Your sons sound wonderful.

Maybe a different job...? Or staying a homemaker sounds great (!).

quiltpixie said...

Just hang on to the idea that you're learning useful skills regardless of where you end up job-wise... you're figuring out how to read the politics, to work with others, customer service skills.... Something you enjoy will appear...

Gail said...

Glad that you are improving. SInce you have outwitted them once, it will be easier from now on.

Eileen said...

Your profile says you like computer tech stuff. Why don't you do something on the computer out of your home? Some places pay pretty darn good. Email me and I'll give you a couple of websites.
Glad you're feeling a little better-have you tried Airborne? It's supposed to prevent colds.

Shelina said...

I'm glad that you are beginning to feel better, and hope that you are well on your way to a full recovery. There are lots of germs going around at school, and I found I had to catch a lot of them in order to get properly "immunized."
I hope that you do hang in there and wait until you feel better, and finish your training period before you make a decision about whether you like the job. Although I suppose in the meantime you could look for something you might like better.

Vicky said...

Hang in there, honey. Slackers have a way of working themselves out of a job, so maybe you won't have to put up with her much longer. In the meantime, just take care of yourself. Working while you're not feeling good is hard to do - so get well soon!!
