Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Little Visitors Are Gone

Brother and sister at Herman Park
Herman Park Train
Texas Armadillo
Remember the Topsy Tail
Galveston Beach
Trying to be creative

 I am finally free to post again after having company for over a month. My niece's son 14 and daughter 7 came to spend time with me for the first time ever. We were busy everyday doing crafts, reading, watching movies or going places. My youngest is 22 so I  had forgotten what it was like having little kids in my house. I had a blast combing Sonya's hair many different ways. Raising three boys I also forgot  all the drama that comes with little girls. I enjoyed having them but next time I think I'll have one at a time. LOL

The other thing that happened was that two days before the kids went back home I had such a  bad case of vertigo that I landed in the hospital for two days. I thought I was having a stroke or something else just as bad. I had a CT scan and MRI of my brain and blood work to no end. I was given a clean bill of health except for inflammation in the ears which was the cause of the vertigo. After a week of being home I am feeling much better and barely have any remnants of the vertigo. Poor kids had to pack all their clothes by themselves.My niece thought it was the kids who had sent me to the hospital and made the dad pick them up one day earlier. They were on their way out to go back home with their dad when I was getting home from the hospital. What a way to say goodbye. I now have to have vertigo medicine with me all the time since it might hit again unexpectedly. At least I know my brain and heart are fine.